What to do when you accidently swiped someone left on OkCupid? How to find someone you swiped left on OkCupid

View post on The Beauty Honey at thebeautyhoney.com. Quick tip for those of you who use OkCupid: we all get carried away swiping left a little too much sometimes when the dating apps become boring. Especially on dating apps where our distance and other standards are set a bit strict, we keep bumping into the same faces and quickly swipe them to the left. So you swipe a bit too fast and accidentaly swipe someone left that you really liked. Now what?

Well, one way you could fix the issue would be to make a new account and try to filter your preference settings in a way that you could bump into this guy again while swiping. There is a solution for this:

When you accidently swipe left, you land on the next profile. Well, click on that profile, and then hit the 'back' button on your phone to go back to the DoubleTake. Through a bug in OkCupid, you wind up back where you started in your DoubleTake for that session. So, you may have to swipe tens or hundreds of times again to shuffle back up to the profile you liked, but it might be there.

I have noticed that the series of men I had swiped left, is not always an exact copy of who I had swiped left before, but it definitely always starts back on the first profile you swept left since pressing the home button 'OkCupid' or the DoubleTake home button of the website. After pressing those again, the series will completely refresh, so careful not to touch those buttons. So make sure you press the 'back' button of your phone, so you don't get a new batch of men you can rapidly swipe left again ;). And to avoid all this, don't swipe too fast. It could change your entire future.

Update in 2023: I haven't used OkCupid in ages since I prefered meeting people in real life only, and I have been happily in a relationship for a year now, so I am not sure if this trick still works, but give it a go!


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